2025 Growth Groups


Email r.goff@faithwoodruff if you are interested or have questions?




The most common reasons people join growth groups are:

Build significant relationships. It’s a great way to really get to know people and experience authentic, caring relationships.

It’s a good way to meet social, emotional, physical and spiritual needs.

Growth Groups provide the best environment for the life change that God intends for every person.

Why Sermon Based Growth Groups?

Sermon Based groups are our main focus of study. The focus of a sermon-based small group is not so much on the curriculum as it is on the process. The ultimate goal is simply to Velcro people to the two things we all need most to grow: the Bible and other Christ-followers. Living out Sunday morning messages can be a great way to live-out God’s truth in our daily experiences.

Special Interest Growth Groups

You might be interested in joining a GG that is focusing on a specific topic, book of the Bible or a book study of you choosing. If looking for specific topics, then contact the office to look through our library.